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Whilst Ausemade have been operating since 2001, Facebook was founded in February 2004, and became open to most of the general public by September 2006. Looking back through our archive, we started being active on Facebook in 2012, making our first Facebook 500 Likes in January 2013.
Ausemade Facebook – Bearded Dragon in the heart of Australia (posted 5 April 2012)
Following images from our archive were Facebook cover photos, in no particular order…
Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys) (posted 25 Aug 2012)
Eucalyptus caesia subsp. magna – commonly known as Caesia Gungurru or Silver Princess. Found growing in an extremely localised area, occurring only in cracks on a few granite outcrops, north of Merredin, WA (posted 21 Sep 2012)
Wombats are some of the smartest marsupials… © Katrina Leel (posted 25 Nov 2012)
There are caving experiences available in many Australian regions, from the more common guided walk through tours to the more adventurous caving where you get down and dirty… Tasmania Mole Creek region is one of those places… (but you have to be fit… ) (posted 18 Nov 2012)
Green Pussytails (Ptilotus macrocephalus)
Growing in a variety of habitats from red sandy soils to clay, on rocky hills and slopes (posted 12 Sep 2012)
Australian Cicada emerging from the nymph shell case (posted 1 Dec 2012)
Went to get some more spring flower shots at the Olive Pink Botanic Garden and was thrilled to see this Collared Sparrowhawk, sitting on a rock just below the water surface of the waterhole… (posted 18 Sep 2012)
Mount Kosciuszko National Park – Grass Trigger Plant (posted 30 Sep 2012)
Young Echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) near Coles Bay, Tasmania, Australia (posted 3 Oct 2012)
Desert Grevillea (Grevillea juncifolia) – also known as the Honeysuckle Grevillea is a significant plant for the indigenous people (posted 10 Sep 2012)
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Snapshots from Australia Snapshots from New South Wales
Snapshots from the Northern Territory
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Snapshots Road Trains in Australia
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The Tree of Life…