A Rare Occurrence – 2021

Water in Central Australia | Todd River | 2007 | 2010 | 2021 | 2022

Following images of water flowing along the Todd River – 10-11 November, 2021

On Wednesday 10 November 2021, locals woke up to exciting news and rushed down to the Todd River. Normally dry, the Todd River was transformed into a raging river in a matter of hours after 86 mm of rain fell in the river’s catchment area north of Alice Springs.

There is a saying in Alice Springs, ‘if you have seen the river flow 3 times, you are a local!’

So what constitute ‘a flow’ has been up for debate, but rest assured, as in the photo shown — ‘bank to bank and through the gap!’

Many a local over the years would have stood at Palm Circuit to witness the power of the river as it swept its way across the road. Looking east across the river, many would observe the old gnarl tree just on the left in the river bed, a husk of a tree but still standing. Following photos from 2007 and 2008 you can see the old gnarl tree, but still standing.

Now in 2021 the tree has finally toppled and been swept half way across the road.

During such times, many roads are closed for safety, but there are always mishaps.

A man who tried to drive across the Wills Terrace causeway (also known as the Undoolya Road Main Causeway) whilst it was being closed was washed off the causeway in his vehicle. He managed to clamber out, and had to hang on a tree for more then six hours before Emergency Services were able to rescue him.

Remember – if it’s flooded, forget it!

2021 – the sounds of a river run… Todd River, Alice Springs

Sounds of a river run… Todd River, Alice Springs, 2021 (video min:sec 00:14)

2021 Sounds of a river run… Todd River south of The Gap, Alice Springs (video min:sec 00:11)

2021 Sounds of a river run… Todd River south of The Gap, Alice Springs (video min:sec 00:15)

Footnote & References

  1. Motorist clings to tree for hours after car swept into Alice Springs’ Todd River – Wednesday 10 November 2021, by Stewart Brash and Emma Haskin, ABC Alice Springs, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-10/motorist-stranded-in-todd-river-alice-springs/100608604