Binns Track | Flora & Fauna

As well as spectacular scenery, the Binns Track offers the opportunity to spot a range of flora and fauna, that can vary through the seasons and during periods of good autumn / winter rain.

Green Bird Flower (Crotalaria cunninghamii)

The following Green Bird Flower, also known as the Parrot Pea, was seen blanketing the red landscape, as if drift planted across the sand plains and dunes.

Check out our Flora section on the Green Bird Flower (Crotalaria cunninghamii).

Poached Egg Daisy (Polycalymma stuartii)

One of the most conspicuous plants seen growing in regions of sand plains and dunes of Central Australia, the Poached Egg Daisy flowers in spring and during times of good autumn / winter rain.

Check out our Flora section on the Poached Egg Daisy (Polycalymma stuartii).

Yellow Billybutton (Calocephalus platycephalus)

The Yellow Billybutton belong to the genus Calocephalus, one of two native species of Calocephalus found growing in Central Australia and Northern Territory.

Variable Daisy (Brachycomes ciliaris)

There are several species of the genus Brachyscome in the Central Australia – Northern Territory region that are very similar, that are identifiable by the seeds.

Check out our Flora section on the Variable Daisy (Brachyscome ciliaris).

Wild Stock (Blennodia canescens)

The white sweet scented flowers of the Wild Stock are on upright stems, in clusters, with four petals. A member of the cabbage and stock family, this annual plant are often seen in mass flowering after good winter rains.

Annual Yellowtop (Senecio gregorii)

Seeing the Annual Yellowtop carpet the countryside in spring is one of the iconic wildflower imagery in Central Australia, especially after good autumn or winter rains. Whilst they are an annual flowering plant, they may not appear during drought periods.

Check out our Flora section on the Annual Yellowtop (Senecio gregorii).

White Paper Daisy (Rhodanthe floribunda)

Commonly known as White Everlasting, Large White Paper Daisy and Common White Sunray, this is usually a much-branched many-flowered daisy, often found forming clumps that can measure up to 1 metre across. The White Paper Daisy can be found growing in a variety of soils and habitats.

Check out our Flora section on the White Paper Daisy (Rhodanthe floribunda).

Waddy-wood (Acacia peuce)

One of Australia’s rarest trees existing in only three locations across Australia, is the Acacia peuce, commonly known as the Waddy-wood, Waddy and waddi.

Endemic to Central Australia and one of Australia’s rarest trees, is the Waddy-wood (Acacia peuce). These trees exist in only three locations across Australia, one of which is at the Mac Clarke (Acacia peuce) Conservation Reserve, near Andado Station (approximately 230 km south-east of Alice Springs) in the Northern Territory (NT), accessed along the Binns Track.

Check out our Flora section on the Waddy-wood (Acacia peuce).

Central Netted Dragon (Ctenophorus nuchalis)

Normally a short-lived lizard, the Central Netted Dragon is able to exploit a range of habitats in Central Australia. They can often be found living by highways, where it feast on insects hit by passing vehicles, as well as the leaves and flowers of small herbaceous plants.

Check out our Fauna section on the Central Netted Dragon (Ctenophorus nuchalis)

Cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)

Grey Teal (Anas gracilis)

Pink-eared Duck (Malacorhynchus membranaceus)

Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii)

The popular Red-tailed Black Cockatoo is a grey-black to glossy black in colour with an erectile crest, that forms a rounded helmet shape when it is raised and pushed forward. The male of the species has red on the tail feathers whilst the female have a barring pattern on on the red tail feathers.

Check out the Northern Territory Government Tourism NT website for more information:

Footnote & References

  1. Binns Track, Tourism NT, Northern Territory Government,
  2. Road trip: Binns Track, NT, 6 April 2017, by Justin Walker, Australian Geographic,